Friday, January 13, 2012

January 13,2012

Our winter has been very different this past year, we have had very little snow, lots of ice, and warm temperatures.  It has been very nice for being outside with the dogs, but the forecast is for change, a cold week coming up, and hopefully more snow.
The pups have been spending lots of time, just growing up  and being dogs.  I have been doing obedience work with them, and lots of interacting with the older dogs, who are tolerating them more, almost to the point of accepting them!
I am not letting them work stock, or do chores, yet, waiting for the magic age, of about a year. They would love to be in there, as witnessed by the few times, they managed to get in on their own, but that has been fixed, and they have to wait a little longer.
They are both quite big, Spice is about 20 inches, and Pepper is around 22..and they are just coming up on 10 months. They continue to be a pleasure to have, but I guess I am a little biased!
As you can see we had snow in these pictures, they were taken just before Christmas, before the big melt.